PING: | server pings you (default handler returns a pong)
NICKTAKEN: | you tried to change nick to one that's in use
BADNICK: | you tried to change nick to one that's invalid
TOPIC: | someone changed the topic of a channel
TOPICINFO: | on joining a channel or asking for the topic, tells you who set it and when
NAMES: | server sends list of channel members when you join
WELCOME: | server welcome message on connect
MOTD: | server message of the day
PRIVMSG: | privmsg, the core of IRC, a message to you from someone
PUBLIC: | optionally instead of getting privmsg you can hook to only the public
MSG: | or only the private ones, or both
KICK: | someone got kicked from a channel
PART: | someone left a channel
QUIT: | someone quit IRC
JOIN: | someone joined a channel
CHANGETOPIC: | the topic of a channel changed
INVITE: | you are invited to a channel
NICK: | someone changed their nick
MODE: | a mode change
NOTICE: | someone sends you a notice
UNKNOWN: | any other message not handled by the above