Processing queries

Table of Contents
Executing sentences
Managing data models
Managing values

Executing sentences

Building commands

Before invoking a query you have to build the structure containing the command and you can do this with gda_command_new ().

The command type we most commonly use is GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_SQL because we will only focus on SQL queries[1]

          typedef enum {
(1)                  GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_IGNORE_ERRORS  = 1,
(2)                  GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_STOP_ON_ERRORS = 1 << 1,
                  GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_BAD_OPTION     = 1 << 2
          } GdaCommandOptions;
Ignores all errors and executes all sentences returning data models. For failed sentences, it returns an empty data model.
Stops when finding and error and doesn't return data models.

Here you see an example of creating a command:

          execute_sql_non_query (GdaConnection *connection, const gchar * buffer)
            GdaCommand *command;
            gint number;
(1)            command = gda_command_new (buffer, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_SQL, GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_STOP_ON_ERRORS);
(2)            number  = gda_connection_execute_non_query (connection, command, NULL);
(3)            gda_command_free (command);
            return (number);
Our function. You can give it several comma-separated sentences.
We will see it later.
It is a good practice to free the commands.

Making non queries

Non queries are queries that does not return data, only the number of rows affected, as a DELETE or an UPDATE. We use gda_connection_execute_non_query()

        execute_sql_non_query (GdaConnection *connection, const gchar * buffer)
          GdaCommand *command;
          gint number;
          command = gda_command_new (buffer, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_SQL, GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_STOP_ON_ERRORS);
          number  = gda_connection_execute_non_query (connection, command, NULL);
          gda_command_free (command);
          return (number);

Making normal queries

Normal queries are queries that return data (data models). You have two ways to do this:

You can use the first way when you want to invoke only a single command. Second way is used to execute several comma-separated sentences. It is recommended to use gda_connection_execute_single_command (). Here you see an example:

          execute_sql_command (GdaConnection *connection, const gchar * buffer)
            GdaCommand *command;
            GList *list;
            GList *node;
            gboolean errors=FALSE;
            GdaDataModel *dm;
            command = gda_command_new (buffer, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_SQL, GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_STOP_ON_ERRORS);
(1)            list = gda_connection_execute_command (connection, command, NULL);
            if (list!=NULL)
(2)              for (node=g_list_first(list); node != NULL; node=g_list_next(node))
                  dm=(GdaDataModel *) node->data;
                  if (dm == NULL)
                      show_table (dm);
            gda_command_free (command);
            return (errors);
Executes the query and obtains a list of data models
Loop for moving through the list of data models. If you use gda_connection_execute_single_command(), you should not need to use a loop, because this function would return a data model.


[1]There are other command types, as XMLand so on.